Bringing First Century Christianity to Life


The culture differences are pronounced from our present times. Take each of the values—honor as the highest value, limited goods, the purity code, sexual roles, marriage and love—how did they add to or thwart Elitha’s quest to gain equality for women?

What Cultural aspects of the 1st Century do we still retain? Which ones have been abandoned? Should any be brought back? Why?

What were the double standards you noticed? Can you identify similar double standards in our culture?

Elitha set out to change her culture. Why did she fail? What could she have done differently?

Yano was a foreigner in this family. Who treated her well, and who did not? Have you ever felt like a foreigner? Who welcomed you? Who hindered you? What did you learn from your experience?

Lilith had many bad traits, but she also had some good traits. What were they? We all have Lilith’s in your lives. Can you find good traits within those who make your life difficult?

Submission is a 1st Century cultural trait assigned to women. Which women in the story were submissive? Did this help or hinder them? Are there cultures today that see submission as a value, not a hindrance? What do you find positive about submission? What do you find negative? Is submission to God the same as a wife being submissive to her husband? Why or Why not.

Jesus encountered many people in this story. How did his encounters affect them? Who followed and who did not? Why?

Elitha lost her faith in this story. How did this affect her? How was she different after her encounter with Jesus? Do you have a conversion story to tell?

Recall an experience when you knew you did something wrong. Did you get caught? How were you treated? What lasting effect/s did it have on you?

There are many of Scripture passages in this novel: direct quotes, shadows, reversals, and innuendos. How many did you find?

©Betty Scheetz