I will be announcing the name of my completed novel soon. Here is a blurb to attract your interest
Forced to watch the legal stoning of her raped friend, the anger of fourteen-year-old Elitha bar Boethus embolden her to seek equality for all women stuck in their rigid, patriarchal, first century world. Mounting injustices thwart her efforts and tear away at her faith. The final blow strikes when she discovers the rapist to be someone close to her. She flees the safety of the family compound and lands into life-threatening trouble. This novel is based on the Adulterous Woman from the Gospel of John
Understanding First Century Christianity from our modern perspective
My Article in New Theology Review, includes an analysis of first-century Mediterranean culture and its household code based on values of honor and shame. Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians provides a world-changing vision of marriage and all other relationships with the power to transform today’s culture.
This article is very helpful if you want to get a better idea of what the culture was like at the time and how to better understand the New Testament messages.
Award Finalist 2020

I am honored and grateful that the first chapter of my book was chosen as one of three finalists in the American Christian Fiction Writers contest “First Impressions” for 2020.
Published in 2020

Random Acts of Kindness